Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What's the real gift...

What an incredibly full first day...15 hours and still counting as I write this!!!

After our breakfast and morning devotion we ventured off to spend some quality time with the students at Marshall School!  As we greeted each class individually, Candy Canes were passed out to all the children and Beanie Babies for the teachers.  You'll have to take my word that it was a sweet time because unfortunately my job was going to be taking pictures during that point and I got sidetracked...go figure!!  Thank goodness we have one photo that one of the other travelers snapped!

It was also a day of handing out gifts to family members on behalf of all the travelers.  These treasures consisted of items such as knit washcloths, homemade soaps, lotions, sweaters  (yes, we still had some Prayer Shawl sweaters to share), blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes, beef jerky, delicious caramel corn, and a personalized Joyful Journeys Zentangle created especially for Novahu and Manjula.

But the greatest gift came when we spent time reading books, that we brought, with the school children, only to find how well most of them could read English themselves!  Three cheers for Marshall School...they are doing an amazing job empowering children, who normally wouldn't have this opportunity, with a top notch education!!

While I'm cheering, I'd really like to give a shout out to the members of our team who truly stepped outside of their comfort zone to interact with the kids in this manner...You Rock!! 👍😉💕

After school, it was time for fun as some joined in playing an exhilarating game of Kabidi.

While others enjoyed being spectators...

And then there was snuggle time...

Following dinner, we were invited to the House Church in Mamidada that also serves as a Cutting and Tailoring Center. We were graciously greeted with flowers and smiles!

In return, words of encouragement were offered to the House Pastors from that area and the women who are participating in the sewing program. The students also received a new pair of scissors and a tape measure. 

We wrapped up the evening with a blessing for all then headed back to our hotel.

My heart is so full, I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!! 💗
Or should I say later this morning...I really need to turn in now!! 😴



  1. Love the updates! God's richest blessings to you all!

  2. Awesome Joyful Journey zen tangle Soph! It’s beautiful... just like you ��. Blessings to all ��
