Monday, January 19, 2015

Just Dance!

It's My turn to share some thoughts on this trip! get ready for a wild ride cuz I'll be all over the place!
So to start my story off, when Novahu and his family came to America one of the things we did with them was played the Wii game "Just Dance", and they thought that was "the coolest thing". Novahu was very impressed with my dancing skills:p he said he'd tell everyone back home about my good dancing (yeah right!!!) Well what do ya know we get to India and the first thing all the kids are asking me is to "Dance Loobie Akka! Dance! how can you say no to those cute little faces!!! 
One of the songs we danced to was Happy by Pharrell Williams 
Lucky enough we got it on video! 

it was SO much fun! they all got into it and wanted to continue dancing so we tried to think of a song that had dance moves to it and one of the only songs that we could think of was unfortunately Gangnam Style... 
We hoped that the lyrics would just go over their heads (didn't want to kids running around and singing about a sexy lady). 
So we turned on the music and we couldn't hear over all the screams of excitement! They all immediately started to dance the Gangnam Style Moves.
We danced to this song twice (after the first time we did it again so we could get it on video!)

All of the Orphans wanted me to teach them a song so we could preform at the Talent Show... I along with the Help of Emma taught them a personal favorite, I smile every time I think of those kids, dancing with them to crazy songs! it makes me happy at how happy they all got when we were there.

One last practice before the show!!!

So you are all probably wondering what song it is that we danced at the talent show, well you'll just have to watch!

It was to loud on that night so we got pictures of it instead!

Swing your partner!!!!

I love them all so much! and every time i listen to those songs now it reminds me so much of them!!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures of this trip! 

Along this wonderful journey I connected with Ramesh (he is one of the orphans) 
he always wanted to hold my hand and sit next to me we talked about his sponsors and that he wants to come to America someday, a lot of the kids say they want to come to america...

This little boy i'm walking with his name is Asheesh 
Every time i saw him, he'd want to carry my water bottle or bag and when i'd let him carry it he'd run away saying it was his...

I also learned how to be annoying on a violin!!!!! 

Here is a before and after picture of the older boys from this years trip to India and the last trip to India!



They have all grown so much in the past two years!!!

This picture was taken on top of our hotel, we were told it had a beautiful view of Kakinada 

whoa how did that get there?

One of my FAVORITE pictures! 
sneaky sneaky Tabitha! 
She kept saying "hold me Akka, i'm so tired!"

 She's SO cute!!!!

I feel so grateful to have been able to return to India again this year, 
it's like another dream come true.
I am grateful to my travel companions, who also happen to be my family, 
it was another amazing adventure with them!!!!
I'm am grateful for all those who support this ministry that we came here on behalf of,you're changing the world for the better!
I am also grateful to everyone who thought of us while we were so far away,
it's nice to be loved and missed.
To be grateful is something you have to really think about, 
it's a feeling of deep appreciation of what your given. 
I can truly say that I am grateful for all these things, 
and I hope someday I can help make all those kids dreams come true too.

Thank you for reading my post!

Olivia Landowski

P.S. sorry for the shaky videos, it's kind of hard to videotape when you feel like dancing!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

There's no place like home...

Everybody knows, there's no place like home anywhere!!
It's been over 60 hours since we left our hotel in Kakinada India
and we are now finally home!!!!
We were greeted into temperatures of 15 degrees
but it didn't matter because our chauffer Bob had
heated seats in his vehicle... :)
On our way home we made a side stop at the Tybrings
where we were greeted by friends and food;
ya' know it's so important to ease yourself back into things!!
What a great first opportunity to share our stories!
And finally when we arrived at home we found a
delicious chocolaty treat waiting on our table for us, YUM YUM!!
Thank you Komros!
Gee, but it's great to be back home!!
As I reflect on what it means for my family to be "home"
and what "home" meant to all those whose houses we
visited in India, there is definitely one come denominator...
home is where the heart is.
The dictionary says home is
a place where you live, a building to live in;
but I think it's so much more...
recalling how happy people were to welcome us into there home,
it had little to do with the size, or what possessions were inside
and everything to do with the feelings that were ever present there.
Sadly to say, some were not a "happy home", but most were.
Again, it had nothing to do with size or possessions.
For today my hope for you is that you may view your home
not by the size or what you all have in it;
but rather the feeling you and others get when you are there.
If your home does not make your heart feel good,
you don't need to tear down any walls,
simply create the environment that brings your soul peace and joy;
and that is where your heart will want to be.
May your house keep you safe and warm,
may your home be like a hand knit quilt wrapped around your heart!
p.s. keep an eye out for thoughts from the rest of my family as
they reflect on our India experience. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

From one extreme to the next

It's hard to make sense of it all!
 We woke up still a bit tired from the previous days festivities; but were charged at the thought of heading home, in spite of the fact that we heard from many of you how cold it is back in Wisconsin!  We left Rajamundry on time thus beginning our long journey that was in front of us.

We arrived in Hyderabad and hankered down for our scheduled 
12 hour layover...oh what a night, it's hard to truly rest when you're
crammed into a a tight area on metal chairs trying not to fall to deeply off to sleep as you are being mindful to your surroundings.
 And we thought sleeping in our van on road trips was tough! :)

After 12 hours we became a bit discouraged when we found out that
our flight was delayed by almost 2 hours.  In fear of missing our 
connecting flight, the airline assured us it wouldn't be a problem
and that they wouldn't leave without us, so we put our minds at rest and
finally got a little sleep on the 3 1/2 hour flight to Abu Dhabi.  
Well, guess what...
they didn't wait for us. :(
Now after standing in line for another hour we got the final verdict
that we were more flights available today.
I must say that at that point we were about to loose it; 
however the airline said they would put us up in a hotel for the night
and we could catch the next out going flight in the morning.
Although it's not what we wanted to hear, we were grateful that we
wouldn't have to spend another night on airport chairs.
So we boarded the complimentary shuttle and headed off to the hotel,
enjoying the sights along the way.

We finally arrived at a hotel that was like none we've ever had the
luxury of staying at; the lobby alone was like something
out of the lifestyles of the rich and famous!!

Then there were the accommodations...
we were issued adjoining rooms with 
sleeping space enough for each of us!!

We were informed that there was a complimentary 
lunch, dinner, and breakfast buffet so that we could get a bite to eat.
There was anything and everything you could possibly want
all while enjoying the live musician who created a festive atmosphere!

You must keep in mind that this is a resort hotel that most
come to vacation we were a weary family who had
been sleeping in their clothes for the past 18 hours.
Loobie hit the nail on the head when she said 
"I feel like Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation
compared to others dining there".
As we sat enjoying the abundant variety of food in front of us
and anticipated making a stop at the chocolate fondue fountain,
we all couldn't help but bring our minds back to India.
Recalling the big Celebration the day before 
when so many kids were excited to simply get the daily staple
of rice along with some pieces of chicken and sauce.  
They were all so happy!
Now here we were, surrounded by more food choices then we could
appreciate, in accommodations that greatly surpass anything we're used to.
What's a person to do with all this?!?!
Of course we are happy to be here enjoying all the special treatment,
but does it exceed what we experienced in India?
Absolutely not!!!
Then again, shouldn't everyone be entitled to special treatment?!?!
What makes some luckier than others??
If you're thinking that if you keep reading on I'm going to give you the profound answers to all this, I'm sorry to say you're wrong.
I wish I knew why some live a life that is so much harder than others,
and some have more than they know what to do with, but I don't.
What I do know is this...
we should all live with an attitude of gratitude,
for it is those who can find happiness in what they have 
that truly have it all.
Oh Joy for the grateful people I've met during these past two weeks!!
As for the rest of us, 
I believe that by choosing not to appreciate what you have
is the greater insult to those who have so little.
For right now, this grateful heart is going to go soak in the bathtub
while my family takes a nap;
and in the peacefulness of the moment 
I will give thanks for my bountiful blessings.


p.s. speaking of gratitude...I just wanted those of you who have sent us messages of encouragement to know how much we've appreciated them;
every morning we started our day off together reflecting on the previous days events and preparing our hearts for what the new day would hold.
This time together always included reading blog comments and
emails from family and friends back home.  
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


and good-byes.

It's hard to believe that today is our last day to spend in Madhavapatnam;
our time here has gone by so quickly!  
After getting picked up this morning we had some errands to run so we split up and the gals got to go for a stroll around "central park" in Kakinada.

Yep, that's a water snake!

Pretty color green, just not when it comes to water.

When we arrived in the village, preparations had begun
for the big Celebration and Talent Show!

Part of the Celebration came in the form of a lunch
which was served to over 575 students, teachers and JJM staff.
It was wonderful to see how the older kids helped dish out the food
and clean up for the next crew to come through.

Heading from the school to the Dining Hall,
look out for the cows! :)

Patiently waiting for their turn.

Big Bob delivers another jug from
Lora's Living Water
to serve for lunch.

There was actually some food left over so Novahu invited these girls
from the local government school, who had been hanging out watching
all morning, to enjoy some lunch too.
Following lunch there was time for practicing dances
for the evenings performance...

There was also time for snuggling, 
as emotions were beginning to stir
in anticipation for later good-byes.

The children had been working hard on their routines
since before we got here and they were all thrilled to finally
start the show...but first, as is customary within this culture,
we were presented floral garlands and shawls...

There are three boys in the school that are very good artists,
so Sophie wanted to present them each with a sketching pad
and colored pencils.

We were then moved down into the audience 
so we'd have a better view of the dances.

The program was delightfully entertaining
with traditional songs and dances from India...

as well as yellin' "Timber" with the Landowgals...

A few of the male teachers and older students had a special dance
that eventually pulled Big Bob into the mix!
I don't believe I've ever seen him move like that!!
Well, you know what they say;
"When in India..."

Before you know it, they had pulled us all up onto the stage!

They closed out the show with a little
Gangnam Style...

What a fantastic evening; our cheeks were sore from smiling
and our ears were ringing from the hootin' and hollerin'!!
We couldn't have asked for a better send off!!

But then it was time for good-byes.
For some of the hostel children it was their third time 
going through this with us and it was just as
heart wrenching as the first time.
Then there were those who we just met; i don't think they had 
any idea it would be this difficult.
Sometimes life can be so hard!
How many hours later as I'm writing this, I'm still teary eyed;
and I can't quite find the words to convey what is in my heart.
For ten days there is a physical love that is shared which
is so intense sometimes you need to step back just to breathe,
and then just like that the physical becomes a mere memory.
1 Corinthians 13:13 says
And now these three remain, faith, hope and love. 
But the greatest of these is love.
As I comforted my own weeping children when we returned to the
hotel tonight, that motherly instinct in me so wanted to hold the other 
27 children who I left crying at the hostel.  And now as I look at my daughters laying peacefully in bed I can only pray the other children are as well,
fully knowing how much they are loved.
The only thing I can do right now is to reflect back on the events of this trip and what a profound impact this ministry is having on so many 
and give thanks that I can be a part of it.
I am humbled that I have had the opportunity to represent so many
who are committed to improving the lives here and I hope
that through these posts you have been able to see the positive difference
that's being made in India.
As for right now, it's hard to know what exactly lies ahead for us;
but if you ask my family they will tell you...
"we will return"!

Thanks for your love and support, and for following along with us!
Although we begin our journey home tomorrow, there are still
some things we'd like to post that we didn't have time to share with you,
so please continue to follow along as we do so.
