Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pictures are worth a thousand words...

At least I hope so since I don't have time to write.  Here are the photos from the other day that I was having trouble loading.

Playing games...

Bus ride to the beach...

The beach...

Dinner and Ice cream...

hugs from the uncles...

Namaste ~ Jenny


  1. Thanks for sharing Jenny! You are taking some great pictures! And Jammin Jenny did a great job teaching those kids this little light of mine! But the chicken dance? They must think Americans are a little nuts!
    Have a great day and Happy Birthday Emma (a day late)

  2. ditto Jessica! :) GREAT PICTURES!! We so much love to be seeing everything that is going on over there! I think I better get going or I am going to be late for church today - I'm so sucked into the blog and all of the pictures! :) (not that being late for me would be different from the "norm", lol)

    Natalie had just asked me last night if the children in India wore "unda-pantz" -- I told her I did not know... but the beach pics answered her question! :) Too funny! Kids -- they are so practical. :D

    Hope you guys are enjoying yourselves over there- we will miss you today, many prayers to you all!

    - the coon's

  3. Hey there - We are just loving your blogs and look forward to each new day!
    You missed an awesome snow storm, one drift on our deck was 6 ft. tall! Thinking of you as we are making a huge platter of "turtle eggs"! Of course with green and gold "jimmies" on them. As we head out to a friends for a super bowl party we were just wondering...If you are 11 1/2 hours ahead of us - do the Packers win?!? (o.k. dump blond joke)
    See you soon, enjoy each minute,
