Tuesday, January 22, 2013

a few more bumps on the journey...

Although this is our first post from India, it saddens me to say that it's not from Madhavapatnam...that's right, we are only as far as Hyderabad.  Due to a major snow storm in Frankfurt we were the last flight allowed to land yesterday in Germany prior to shutting things down...once things got back up and running we were hopeful of making our connecting flight in Mumbai as we were scheduled to have a long layover; however because of the insanity on how things are run here we were unable to make it to the gate in time.  After many countless hours of trying to get things squared away we finally got a flight out of there and are now resting comfortably at the airport hotel in Hyderabad.  We are exhausted, stinky, disappointed, and a tad disheartened; but all the travelers are doing their best to continue to be positive and patient!

On a good note, we got all the suitcases down to O'hare on Sunday with minimal trouble after a heartwarming sendoff at church...I can't say without a hitch as our van was acting up again on Saturday night so we had to make alternative plans.

So with all of these raindrops on our parade, what are some of the blessings...
~ we have awesome friends who have loved and supported us throughout the journey!
~strength can be drawn from a rock!
~ the man who helped us at the airport was worth weight in gold!
~ pretzels with butter and cheese are absolutely out of this world!!!!
~a comfortable mattress can change your whole outlook!!
Attitude is everything and in India a good attitude goes a long way...

Until we meet again...


  1. Another blessing .. you are not here .. it's -25* with the wind chill!!! CRAZY cold!!!

    Glad that you are moving forward and getting closer to your destination. It's all about the journey!!

    Thanks for the update and look forward to more!

  2. Where's the rest of your luggage?? :)

    I'm so glad that even when things get a little rougher than expected, you're able to find the good in what is around you. God is blessing you even in the struggles, and I imagine that others are also being blessed by your flexibility and positive outlook.

    We'll keep praying for you!

  3. I posted a comment, but forgot to plug in the security code, so it did not post. I wanted to tell all of you to hang in there. We love that you are counting your blessings. Keep counting, and that will get you through!
