Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve in India...

Happy New Year!
What a beautiful experience it was to celebrate New Year’s Eve with our family in India, quite different then how one would celebrate in America.  After resting a bit from our very busy day, we came back to Novahu’s house for a beautiful service or prayer and remembrance of everything that took place in 2014.  Family members and people from the village alike got up and shared with us their joys and their sorrows from the past year and some of the hostel children sang songs for us.  I was blessed with the opportunity to share some words during their sermon time and was able to talk about God’s unending blessings in the previous year and his unending love or each of us.  The service was very eclectic, for along with the very serious prayers we sang songs (my mom’s favorite was “Put a Little Love in Your Heart”J).  We also shared jokes and stories, at midnight we all ran outside to light fireworks.  After the fireworks, more songs were sung and cake was shared with all.  When I say shared, I mean we cut the cake into small pieces and put the cake into each other’s mouths, wishing them a “Happy New Year”.  Of course, when you do not use any plates or forks, food fights our bound to happen!  Overall, it was a very special night to be a part of and I am so grateful for my time here as I am enjoying every moment of it!! 
God has blessed us with another year, may each of you use it to love and serve in any way we can!  
God Bless,


It's customary to decorate the slab in front of your house with chalk
on New Year's Eve.

So much happening...

In and around Marshall School...
Today was a very busy day at the Marshall School 
where we were greeted once again with warm welcomes!!

We had the opportunity to visit each class "room", although not all can truly be called a "room" because some of the classes are held outside as there is simply not enough indoor space available. All the children were so eager to tell me what they were learning and wish us a Happy New Year!

It is so amazing to see how hungry these kids are to get an education
and how content they are to sit either on the floor 
or in tight quarters for approx 8 hours a day.

Jo, Loobie and Sophie had participated in a play last
year through "Homegrown Theater"; a Xerox copy machine
was purchased for the Marshall School from money collected
through this fundraiser!

The latest addition to the school holds a water purification system 
that was donated by the Kakinada Rotary Club. They chose our 
building to house this over other areas within the village which
truly says a lot about the reputation and reliability of the
Marshall School as a vital part of the community. We are 
thrilled to learn that everyone within the village has affordable 
access to clean drinking water now.

In honor of Lora Buck's involvement within the West Bend Rotary 
and her commitment to Joyful Journeys Ministry,
Novahu named it
Lora's Living Water.

These type of jugs can be filled for less than $1. :)

These are the two men who operate and distribute the water...

Plans for possible future construction were discussed; 
Loobie said she would help carry bricks to keep the cost down!

The possibilities are endless!!

A break for fun and games with the hostel children...

Time for lunch, come and get it!!

It was a glorious day for the cooks, hostel children and lunch bunch kids
as it was the first time eating in "Terri's Dining Hall"...

The kids gave it a "two thumbs up"!

Patiently wait in line.

Helping hands cleaning up at the well...

Our afternoon was spent passing out greeting cards and
taking pictures of the school children; but you'll have to wait
to see those posted on the wall at church! :)

So, when we use the term "orphanage" it doesn't necessarily mean
that all the kids who live there don't have any parents. Some of them don't
but many of them simply can't be cared for by their mother, father or guardian. This is the case of the two sisters who's family we had the opportunity to visit tonight; their father had acid thrown on his head and
arm many years ago and was so seriously injured that he could no longer 
provide for his family.  Out of desperation for his children he turned them over to Novahu to give them a hopeful life.  We were welcomed into their 
Palm Fran Hut as they expressed their gratitude with 
handshakes, flowers, and a coke. 
It's hard to put this all into words as I can't imagine being in their shoes.

Many neighbors came out to say 'Happy New Year"
and greet us.

I will close with this for now as we will be heading back
to celebrate New Year's Eve with Novahu shortly.
All I can say is, hug your loved ones, count your blessings,
and be grateful for the life you have...



Tuesday, December 30, 2014


We made it!!!!

And I'm pleased to say it was without any complications!!
We left Chicago and it was smooth sailing all the way to Abu Dhabi 
where we had just enough time to check out the souvenir shop for 
 "I love Abu Dhabi" t-shirts for Loobie and Sophie
as well as take in the diverse cultural mix of people there.
What beauty in the blend!

During our layover in Hyderabad, we were amazed at all the 
Christmas decorations throughout the airport; 
but what really took the cake was 
listening to Kenny G play 
"I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas"
on the overhead in the airplane!

We arrived in Rajahmundry and were greeted by our Indian family...

Oh Happy Day!!

Although they gave us a few minutes to freshen up,
they didn't waste any time getting down to business.
First off on their list of dedications was to "unveil"
the new vehicle that was generously purchased
on behalf of Terri Tybring's parents Dale and GiGi Thompson.
The orphans were thrilled to hoot and holler over this celebration!

We went for the inaugural spin around the block,
but needed to beware of all the cows in the road!!

Next up was the ribbon cutting and dedication for
"Terri's Dining Hall".
The past two years proceeds from the India Gala were designated
to creating a space for the orphans and members of the 
"lunch bunch" to be able to eat. Because of the extreme generosity
of so many we not only were able to raise enough to build that
along with a larger kitchen; they were also able to include 7 bathrooms
within the structure!  You know what that means, no more curb side potty breaks for these kids. Well, at least not before lunch! :)

This area that looks like a shower stall is for washing the large pots that are used for cooking for such mass quantities.  

One of the 7 new bathrooms!
Squatting is great for the leg muscles!:)

Now it was time for our official welcome from the 
students and staff at Marshall School.
What incredible JOY to see all these 'shine brites" again
and to be so warmly welcomed by them all.

Although the gals were pooped out from traveling and the busy day,
they still had enough energy to play games, sing songs 
and dance with the orphans.

Teaching the kids how to play freeze tag.

The Limbo gone wild!!

Before I wrap this up for now,I would just like to point out
the sweaters that some of the children have on from the last
time we were here; believe it or not, they actually needed them today
as it was pretty chilly...I was wishing I would have had one to wear!!
The weather today was rainy on top of that and we've been told they are calling for
cyclone conditions these next few days. :(
Well, you know what they say in Oregon,
"Don't judge a day by the weather"!
So on that note I'm off to join the rest of the family
 who has long been sleeping already because
tomorrow is New Year's Eve here and I'm sure
there will be lots in store for us!


p.s. I apologize to those of you who have been waiting for an email from me to let you
know we made it safely; for some reason I currently can't send anything out...I can receive as well as make posts on the blog, I just can't send mail.  :/