Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve in India...

Happy New Year!
What a beautiful experience it was to celebrate New Year’s Eve with our family in India, quite different then how one would celebrate in America.  After resting a bit from our very busy day, we came back to Novahu’s house for a beautiful service or prayer and remembrance of everything that took place in 2014.  Family members and people from the village alike got up and shared with us their joys and their sorrows from the past year and some of the hostel children sang songs for us.  I was blessed with the opportunity to share some words during their sermon time and was able to talk about God’s unending blessings in the previous year and his unending love or each of us.  The service was very eclectic, for along with the very serious prayers we sang songs (my mom’s favorite was “Put a Little Love in Your Heart”J).  We also shared jokes and stories, at midnight we all ran outside to light fireworks.  After the fireworks, more songs were sung and cake was shared with all.  When I say shared, I mean we cut the cake into small pieces and put the cake into each other’s mouths, wishing them a “Happy New Year”.  Of course, when you do not use any plates or forks, food fights our bound to happen!  Overall, it was a very special night to be a part of and I am so grateful for my time here as I am enjoying every moment of it!! 
God has blessed us with another year, may each of you use it to love and serve in any way we can!  
God Bless,


It's customary to decorate the slab in front of your house with chalk
on New Year's Eve.


  1. Those are some crazy chalk drawings! Some real patient artists in the group! Was hoping for some cake fight pics! Have a great first day of 2015!

  2. thanks for sharing your beautiful moments! Happy new Year Sissy, gals and boobie! We are home and being very low key....back to the Dr. tomorrow for a check in...all is good :) I love you...have fun, spread my love around, be safe.... <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  3. We LOVE these updates! We are SO grateful to read them. We LOVE the pics, and we love the reminders to be GRATEFUL for the small and big blessings. THANK YOU SO MUCH for blessing us and encouraging us, and for sharing your journey with us! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!
