Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's never easy...

Today was our last day with our Indian family and the hostel children...
For my family, coming back and seeing some of the hostel "shine brites" who were there the first time we came was exciting, as we could see how they've grown and could communicate with them about their future plans.  It was also fun meeting the new children who captured our hearts with their smiles!  Regardless if we've known them for years or weeks, it was painstakingly hard to say good-bye to them today.  As we left the hostel, I couldn't help but feel bad for the people we left behind... how do you begin to console 28 sobbing children, while you yourself are crying.  It's hard enough when they are young adults more less children.  I will post more about our day at a later date because right now I'm exhausted; being tired from the trip itself is enough, but then add the emotion of the day on top of that and it will do you in.  
We love our Joyful Journey Ministry Family here and will miss them truly.



  1. My wish for you is that you feel the full possibility of all good things that will come and that love will embrace all of your hearts with the gifts you have truly safe...I love you sissie! <3

  2. I totally understand sis, reading your journal here has renewed my spirit in so many ways. First and foremost, thank you! Thank you so much for being our emissaries. Thank you for keeping our relationship with the whole village alive - you all - Landowski's and Demmon's alike are clearly the best ambassadors we could hope for. God bless you all and safe travels! We have missed you and can't wait for your return and the stories you will tell. Way To Go!!!
