Thursday, January 23, 2020

It started out with a feeling, which then grew into a hope...

Today was another jam packed day, that started out with overwhelming emotion.  You see, for my family, this journey started 15 years ago and although our involvement looks different than it did when my gals were all knitting scarves to raise money to buy sewing machines for impoverished women in India, our love and commitment is still strong. That being said, this morning we dedicated the new Landowgals Vocational Training Center, the building that we laid the cornerstone for (which has my families 6 thumb prints in), during our last visit in 2017.  I was moved to tears at the thought of how far this ministry has come and how many women's lives have changed because of it...including my 4 "little women", which is why today was so bitter sweet. Of course we have missed not having my Olivia with us this time around, but not having her presence here today for this celebratory ribbon cutting ceremony was heart wrenching for me. I couldn't be prouder of each of my daughters for who they are and what they are doing with their lives, and I wish for them the same that I wish for all the women coming through our learn a skill that will allow them to be self sufficient, to live their lives with dignity, and to simply be all they can be!! So to my firefighter/paramedic back home, who is doing exactly that, know you were with us in spirit today as we blessed this building and all who will benefit from it's services!! I love you! 😢💚💚💚🙇

The following are photos from the event which included dedicating the sewing and computer rooms at the Cutting & Tailoring Center and Technology Institute, as well as the newly moved Water Filtration Plant that is also a part of this building now.



Next on our "to do" list was to hand out greetings, washcloths, soap, and a sweet treat to all the students... What a great chance to meet each child individually.  For some it was seeing how they've grown since our last visit, for others to share a hug from their sponsor, and then to see all the new smiles that are currently enrolled at the Marshall School. Crazy, but heartwarming! 

 This ministry wouldn't be what it is without the incredible generosity of all the people who support a child's education through our sponsorship program; below is a special wall designated to many of those individuals!!

Our afternoon was exceptionally special because the students put on a fashion show for us! Typically the kids wear uniforms to school, but today they were encouraged to wear their traditional outfits for the program. Mercy, what energy filled the hall that we gathered in as the music blared and the children all strut their stuff! Mind you, there are 450 kids in the school; here are just a few of them.

Karishma explained what some of the older girls were wearing and what region their outfits originated in.

Just as they were wrapping things up, some of us travelers joined in the show!


And before you know it, there was a dance party going on!

 Take it away Jordan!! 😂


The dancing continued outside as we joined in a traditional stick dance...

Now, as if any one of these activities wasn't enough for one day, how about adding a water fight in with all the hostel children...

I think we'll all sleep well tonight...once we get there! 🙏😀💃💦😴



  1. Thank you for sharing your heart filled day with us! I’m very proud of you sissie as well as our gals . It’s all amazing I 💝

  2. Thanks for traveling with us in spirit!
