Monday, January 20, 2020

We made it!!

Up, up and away...

Plan A...Arrive at the Hyderabad Airport after traveling for approx. 30 hours, stay at the airport transit hotel to rest and shower during our 8 hour layover, prior to getting on the final 1 hour flight.  Then this happened...
Transit Hotel is closed for remodeling

Plan B...Sit outside the airport in the departure area and wait...
Good thing I'm traveling with such an awesome group of people; they were all troopers and truly made the best out of a not so convenient situation!! 

But when all was said and done, it was worth the wait as we were warmly greeted, and I mean that both literally and figuratively, by our Indian family!!  Oh Happy Day: we made it!!

The ride to the village, in our new school bus, was not only a time of bonding with the newest Joyful Journey members, but also a time to throw the "first time travelers" into what life looks like in this area. They were quite blown away, needless to say!!

I'll save the fun roadside pictures for another day, but had to share this one of Big Bob with Siri's little shine brite JOSE!!

Upon arrival at the JJM Hostel, we were welcomed by more family members as well as the teachers and orphans.  They sure know "how to do" hospitality!!

As exhausted as we all were, our spirits were lifted and our energy renewed by the showering of love we experienced.
The travelers with Novahu and Manjula
The travelers with the Marshall School Teachers

Now it's time to get caught up on some sleep so we're ready for whatever tomorrow holds!

Thanks for your prayers and well wishes; it's always a comfort to know we're connected in spirit with our loved ones back home!!


1 comment:

  1. Blessings abound! I'm grateful you made it safely . My love to your India family.
